X-1100 Diagnosis Index Listing

X-1600 Diagnosis Index Listing

The X-1100/1600 Diagnosis Index Listing is produced through the Print Diagnosis Index within the Medical Records Reporting menu.

The report is generated in ICD9/ICD10 sequence and is used as a reference for the utilization of Diagnosis Codes.

The X-1100/1600 Diagnosis Index Listing Report includes the date, time, and user who ran the option. The report is a double column report that displays the ICD9/ICD10 Diagnosis Code ,Primary or Secondary, the Doctor Number, the Discharge Date, the Patient Type ,Inpatient or Outpatient, the Sex Code, the Race Code, the Medical Record Number, the Patient Length of Stay, the Patient Age, and the Discharge Status.

Also included on the report is a total sheet that is generated from the Diagnosis Index Listing. The total sheet is used to summarize and display the subtotals and cumulative totals for the Patient Types, the Primary/Secondary Diagnosis, the Sex Codes, the Race Codes, the Status Codes, and the Age Groupings.

SUGGESTED DISTRIBUTION:     Director of Medical Records